Fired up to build grassroots Democratic power? Then join your Precinct Officers for North Pleasant Grove 1, North Pleasant Grove 2, and South Pleasant Grove virtually via Google Meet on Friday, December 4th from 6:30-7:30 PM. We will write letters to under-represented voters in Georgia with the assistance of Vote Forward: . If you need help downloading and printing letters, contact Daniel or check out these instructions:
Please share your thoughts on the 2020 election campaign by answering the questions in this Google Form:
Please prepare the following materials: a blue pen, at least 20 postage stamps, 20 #10 envelopes, copy paper, and Wite-Out. If you do not have access to these materials, please contact your Precinct Officers and we will assist you.
Democratically yours,
Daniel Franch, Precinct Chair, NPG1:
Patsy Robertson, Precinct Vice Chair, NPG1:
Timmy Penny, Precinct Chair, SPG: