Monthly Meeting. In person or on Zoom.
Contact President Angelique Legette for more info or the Zoom link:
Interested in being an officer with AAC-JCDP? Submit your nomination by Sept 19th, 5pm.
AAC-JCDP Johnston County 2024 Elections Tuesday, November 21st, 2023 @ 6:00pm
Nominations for the 2024-2026 Officers Now Open!
The 2024-2026 AAC Johnston County 0fficers elections will be held during the Annual Meeting on Saturday, November 21st 2023
The Nominating Committee will present a slate of qualified nominees to the membership by Tuesday September 19th 2023.
All eligible AAC members are encouraged to review the below list of Officer's positions and submit their slates for consideration
The deadline for submission is Tuesday September 19th 2023 by 5:00 pm
Officers are elected to a two (2) year term that begins the following January. No Board member may serve more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same position.
A prospective candidate must be in good standing for at least 90 days prior to elections and have been a dues-paying member in their respective County.
Below are summaries of the primary duties of each elected office.
Each office may have additional duties, as described in the AAC-JCDP Bylaws.
The President shall:
i. Serve as chief presiding officer of the Caucus and the Caucus Executive Committee
ii. Appoint chairpersons for all standing and any special committees, except where these
bylaws indicate otherwise
iii. Serve as the authorized representative of the Caucus before the NCDP and any third-party
organization or entity
iv. Exercise any authority delegated by the Caucus or the Caucus Executive committee.
v. Present an annual budget to the executive committee for approval no later than February 1
each year.
vi. Transmit all records pertaining to the office to successor within ten (10) days of vacating
The First Vice President shall:
i. Serve as an aide to the President
ii. Preside at all meetings in the absence of the President or upon request of the President.
iii. Be from a different county caucus than the President
iv. Act as Parliamentarian in a meeting where the Parliamentarian is absent
The Second Vice President shall:
i. Preside at all meetings in the absence of the President and First Vice President or upon the
request of the President
ii. Serve as an aide to the President and First Vice President
iii. Review and approve all media postings on a weekly basis
The Third Vice President shall:
i. Follow the order of succession and preside at all meetings where the President and higher
ranked Vice Presidents are absent
ii. If there is a permanent vacancy in the Office of Second Vice President, the Third Vice
President shall assume the office until the next scheduled election
The Secretary shall:
i. Be the creator, recorder, filer, maintainer, historian, and reporter of all information related
to the business of the AAC-NCDP as well as maintain membership rosters and be the arbiter
for all official memberships in the AAC-NCDP organization
ii. Prepare and distribute meeting notices, mailings, correspondences, and other
communications and is the receiver, recorder and distributor of correspondences sent to
the AAC-NCDP organization
iii. Take minutes, truthfully and accurately, during AAC-NCDP meetings and receive and copy all
documentation at the meetings
iv. File all required reports to the North Carolina State Democratic Party, federal, state, and
other governing entities and prepare any and all AAC-NCDP documentation and
correspondences upon request within a set timeline for each request
v. Maintain an official delegate vote count by AAC-NCDP county caucus based on active
vi. Transmit all records pertaining to the office to successor within ten (10) days of vacating
The Treasurer shall:
i. Maintain the AAC-NCDP treasury at an insured commercial bank
ii. Receipt and disburse funds of the caucus
iii. Make disbursements only from allocations in an approved budget, or on orders from the
Executive Committee.
. Not allow cash withdrawals from any Caucus bank account.
v. Maintain all records required by law or by the AAC-NCDP of contributions received and
disbursements made
vi. Prepare and file any reports as may be required by law or by the AAC-NCDP
vii. Distribute to all members of the AAC-NCDP a summary of the general finances of the Caucus
as well as a summary of the funds received and disbursed by the Caucus for each calendar
quarter within thirty (30) days of the end of each calendar quarter
viii. Transmit all records pertaining to the office to successor within ten (10) days of vacating
ix. Assist elected officers and Committee Chairs in preparing the annual budget for
presentation to the Executive Committee
x. Complete required Treasurer Certification Training conducted by the North Carolina State
Board of Elections and furnish verification to the secretary
xi. Provide a Financial Year-Ending Report to the AAC-NCDP
xii. Submit an annual statement of financial activity and a copy of the Year-end financial
disclosure report to the Executive Committee.
AAC-NCDP Elections Committee Chair
Doris Wallace
Dr. Getty's Cohen Jr
Linda Bailey