Calling all Democrats of North Pleasant Grove 1 & 2 and South Pleasant Grove! Our meeting this month will be held on Monday, Sept. 13th, at 6:30 PM. If you don’t know what precinct you’re in, you can find out on NCSBE here:
We must start organizing NOW to flip Johnston County and North Carolina blue in '22, so join us! 🥁
Please click on this link to register for the meeting. A Zoom link and the meeting agenda will be emailed the morning of every meeting. If you have something you would like to add to the agenda, please email it to:
We look forward to seeing you!
North Pleasant Grove 1
Daniel Franch, Precinct Chair / Patsy Robertson, Vice Chair
South Pleasant Grove
Timmy Penny, Precinct Chair / Samantha Penny-Salazar, Vice Chair
North Pleasant Grove 2
Butler Benton, Precinct Chair / Christine Hardee, Vice Chair